Abstract:Climate change for the 21st century over the Yellow River Basin(YRB) is projected using multiple climate models within the phase six of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project under scientific combination scenarios of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways(SSPs).the models have a demonstrated ability to simulate modern climatology of YR. The climate projection results show an annual warming and humidifying trend in the 21st century under three SSP scenarios, which correlates positively with emission concentration in 2015-2100. With respect to the reference period 1985-2014, the YR annual temperature increases 2.56~6.15℃ in the 2080s, which is stronger than the warming in the early(2040s,2041-2060) and middle(2060s,2061-2080) 21st century. in the early, middle period, annual warming is 1.95~3.31℃and 2.0~4.85℃.At the same time, overall annual precipitation also shows a trend of rising, In the early, middle, and end periods,the precipitation increases about 8.22%~9.48%, 9.18~13.72%, 9.83~20.09% respectively relative to the reference period. For the spatial, the region of Lanzhou upper expresses the most warming trend, and the subregion between Lanzhou and Tuoketuo shows the most obviously rising trend for the matter of the bias percent of precipitation. the frequency of heavy rain days and rainstorm days in the lower reaches of the Wei River,Yiluo River and Dawen River increases obviously than other subregions. It is noted that the above results differ somewhat among models, which indicates a relatively large level of uncertainty and a relatively high (low) reliability o temperature (precipitation) projection.