Using the long-range experimental data of 62 sets of undisturbed soil lysimeters at the Wudaogou hydrology experimentalstation from 1991 to 2015,nonlinear fitig methods were used to reveal the phreatic evaporation with burying depth in limeconcretion black soil and yellow moist soil winter wheat and summer soybean in each growth period.The variation patern of thevariation is that the plunge evaporation of the two crops in the lime concretion black soil area decreases with the increase of theburied depth through a variety of line type fitings, and both show an exponential funetion. The wheat in the yellow moist soil areabefore turming green and the soybean emergence-branching period,the phreatic evaporation declines wih the inerease of the burieddepth, which is a function of the exponential function.After the turming green of the wheat and afer the soybean branching period,the phreatic evaporation reaches the maximum value in the 0.5-0.8m buried depth interval,and increases with shallower burialdepth in the 0.5-0.8m interval,and decreases with increasing depth and depth in the 0.5-0.8m interval, showing an complexfunctional relationship. To provide a scientific basis for further understanding the rules of the evaporation of the arop in diferentgrowth stages.